About L7 Hemp - Image 4

We're Committed to the Growth of the Hemp and CBD Community

L7 Hemp is a sister group to L7 Trade Group. Both are Family-run and Colorado based with locations in Ft. Morgan and Sterling, Colorado. L7 Hemp was founded in 2018 to provide superior customer service, offer a wide variety of product selection, and increase the amount of product available to customers.

L7 Hemp also provides custom services to help increase the efficiency of local and country-wide hemp farmers. We provide CBD Seed-to-Sale Services throughout the United States. Each job is custom designed and priced accordingly.

We currently offer hemp products, such as terpenes, smokeable flower, biomass, seeds, etc. from all over the United States. In addition, we can source other items from the United States per customer request.

Contact L7 Hemp
Expert Consulting

Growing, Harvesting, Processing, and Product Line

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Custom Farm Services

We provide a wide range of hemp agricultural services designed to assist others in the CBD industry to produce high-grade products.

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Bulk Isolates & Distillates

Many hemp companies and CBD manufacturers/retailers depend on L7's reliable processing services for all of their hemp processing needs.

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CBD Products

Order Wholesale CBD Distillate and Isolate, learn about our white label products, and explore our Generation Elle in-house CBD product line.

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